Ph.D. Chemistry, University ofWisconsin, Madison
B.S. Chemistry, Bucknell University,Lewisburg, PA
Professional Experience:
9/12-present:Chair, Department of Chemistry andBiochemistry, University of Delaware
9/07-present:JointProfessor, Oceanography Program, College of Earth, Ocean andEnvironment, University of Delaware
9/97-9/99:Assistant Chair and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Chemistry andBiochemistry, University of Delaware
9/96-present:Professor of Chemistry, Universityof Delaware
Honors, Awards and ProfessionalActivities:
Editorial Advisory Board, AerosolScience and Technology (2014-present)
Highlighted and Quoted in “SensingChange” Exhibit at Chemical Heritage Foundation (2013)
Conference Chair, AmericanAssociation for Aerosol Research (2013)
Treasurer, American Association forAerosol Research (2010-2012)
Editorial Board, AnalyticalChemistry (2010-2012)
Member of National Academy ofSciences Committee: “Review of the 2001 Bacillus Anthracis Mailings”(2009-2011)
Cited as one of top contributors tothe first 20 years of Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry(2010)
Council of Fellows, DelawareEnvironmental Institute (2009-present)